Outdoor Gear

Outdoor Gear Rawik Cirque Bib Pant - Women's



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Outdoor Gear Rawik Cirque Bib Pant - Women's

The Rawik Cirque Bib Pant - Women's is a snow bib for spending time on the mountain and in the snow. When the ski and snowboard days arrive, pull on this bib for warm, waterproof protection. The classic look is around for a reason, to keep snow out and off the lower back and out of the boots. Adjust the shoulder straps, pull the internal snow cuffs over the boots, and head towards the chair lift.


  • Adjustable Shoulder Straps
  • Deep Side Knit Inserts
  • Internal Snow Cuffs
  • Reinforced Oxford Lower Leg Scuff Guards
  • Zippered Chest Pocket


  • Insulation: 100% Polyester - 80g Poly Fill
  • Shell Fabric: 100% Nylon Taslan - Water-Resistant w/ Durable Water Repellent (DWR) Finish